In the heart of the Arabian Peninsula lies a mountain steeped in religious significance and shrouded in mystery. Mount Sinai, an iconic peak associated with divine revelation and ancient legends, has captivated the imaginations of scholars and explorers for centuries. While traditionally believed to reside in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, a controversial claim has emerged, suggesting that Mount Sinai's true location lies in the rugged landscapes of Saudi Arabia. What’s more intriguing is this claim has been made by atheists, how true is this claim? Stick with us till the end to find out! As we delve into the enigmatic allure of Mount Sinai, we unravel a tapestry woven with myth and history, where the veil between the divine and the earthly grows thin. act of god, end times, rapture 2023, atheists, islam, saudi arabia, saudi, saudi arabia green wall, sahara desert, gobi desert, agriculture, scientists, science, technology, education, geography, geo politics, arabic desert, egypt desert, arabic farmland, desert, new discoveries 2023, Sinai Peninsula, american scientists, us president, usa, brics, euphrates river, yellowstone volcano, lake mead,